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4981 / 8, Bharat Ram Road,Darya Ganj, New Delhi 110002

SEO and SMO Package

In-depth Site Analysis Yes Yes Yes
Duplicate Content Checking Yes Yes Yes
Keywords Analysis Yes Yes Yes
Competitor Analysis 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 4 Competitor
Initial Rank Report Yes Yes Yes
Initial Rank Report Yes Yes Yes
Google Penalty Check Yes Yes
Broken Link check Yes Yes
Webmaster Tools Setup (Google/Bing) Yes Yes Yes
Analytics Setup (Google/Bing) Basic Basic Advance
Sitemap Generation (XML & HTML) 1/year 2/year 4/year
Canonical URL Analysis Yes Yes Yes
HTML Tags Optimization Yes Yes
Image & Hyperlink Optimization ** (ALT Tags) Upto 20 Upto 50 Upto 150
Content Writing & Optimization Yes Yes
Title & Meta Tag Setup & Optimization 10 Pages 25 Pages 40+
Page Speed Optimization Yes Yes Yes
No. of Keywords (less than 1M results, actively optimized) 5 10 20
Rich Snippets Optimization Yes Yes
On-Page Crawl Error Correction Yes Yes
Broken Link Correction Yes Yes Yes
Product Optimization **
Product Markup & Schema Tags Yes
Product Reviews & Comment Markup Schema Tags Yes
Navigation Analysis & Recommendations Robot.txt Yes Yes Yes
H1, H2, H3 Setup Yes Yes Yes
PPT Creation & Submission Yes Yes Yes
Q&A written and submission Yes Yes
Keyword Mapping Yes Yes Yes
404 Custom Page Setup Yes Yes Yes
URL Optimization Yes Yes Yes
Blog Writing/web 2.0 3 5
Guest Blog Posts 1 2
Classified Submission 3 5
Infographics 2 4
Press Release Extra Extra
Commenting 4 8
Participate event/Conversations Yes
Blog Posts Bookmarking Yes Yes Yes
Business/Directory submission 5 8 15
Review/Product Feed Submission Yes
Review/Product Feed Submission Yes
SEO Friendly Manual Back-linking 24 40 60
(Monthly hours) Hours Hours Hours
Social Media Bookmarking- Number of Post 10 20 30+ (Monthly Images and product post) 10 20 30+
Social Media Audit & Strategy Calls 1 2
Hash Tag Analysis Yes Yes
Research & Competitor Analysis Yes Yes Yes
Keywords Based Content Posting Yes Yes
Google+ Business Page Setup Yes Yes Yes
Facebook & Twitter Page Setup Yes Yes Yes
Daily FB Shares & Re-tweets 1 2 3
Pinterest& Tumbler Account Setup Yes Yes
Video Making + Editing 3 6
Facebook/Twitter Quiz/Polls Yes
Respond to followers Yes Yes
Campaign Monitoring Yes
Social media Ad Management Basic Basic Advance (Spent Extra) Basic Basic Advance
Keyword Ranking Report Basic Basic Advance
Google Adwords/Analytics Report Yes Yes
Activity Report Yes Yes Yes
SEO Reports Yes Yes Yes
Monthly Action Plan Yes Yes
Email/Chat/Call Yes Yes

Terms & Conditions:

  • All the necessary contents related to Product/ Service/ Project will be provided by your organization in soft copy. Any material that needs to be sourced from a third-party included translated versions of the content will be billed at actual to the client.
  • We provide per campaign reports which shows the total efforts and work done by our team.
  • Extra designing work, or any other support work will be charged extra.
  • All Paid campaigns on any social media platform will be charged at actual to you.
  • We does not guarantee any type of sales increase or customer conversion from digital marketing services.
  • In case of any important support Client will need to communicate before 48 hrs at least for better support.
  • This Quotation is broadly based on Primary requirement stated in document, any changes to the requirements will have to be assessed for impact on time and cost estimates.