php news
It is by default that Laravel is constructed to build daily log files for your application, and get stored in…
There is an issue in PHP architect magazine. This time, it is all about micro frameworks. The magazine has its…
According to research done by people worldwide while creating a huge scale based website encompassing everything right from photos, news,…
These days, businesses are looking for newer strategies to set up their online presence. Being the need of today’s hour…
Recently, Cake PHP’s 2.3.5 version has been released to fix critical bugs related to web root attribute in Cake Request…
In over years, Cake PHP has grown with a fully fledged life of its own. The major objective of the…
Finding all the security flaws and risks associated with in a piece of code could be difficult as it needs…
With the embodiment of Zend extension and optimizer in PHP 5.5, the demand to have better documentation became more clear…
Irrespective of the fact that how hard you try to test your PHP applications before finally putting them in implementation,…
At a recent event held in Google, it has been determined that PHP runs over 75% of websites so the…
These days, businesses are browsing for newer and out of the box way of thinking to create their online presence….
Yes, it is true! Now, the PHP web development team has announced the second release of its PHP 5.5 version…