Web browsers are for sure the pretty and amazing things so far at online platform. If you wished to do anything serious or productive at your system in computing, you need to install first that software in your computer. Though at present technological era, most of that can be easily done and in a right way from within the browsers as well. Just for an example, you can easily utilize Google drive to preview files such as that are directly used in Gmail, could create and share Google Sheets, Docs and even Slides along with editing other types of files such as Microsoft Office documents etc. with ease without installing even a single bit of thing you find on your hard drive.
Though there’s a point in this to note down. When it comes to browsers along with the installed applications working smoothly and well co-ordinately with each other, they are not always like on the same page. To modify the same, a new extension for Chrome has been introduced that allows opening files from Google drive directly into a much compatible application installed in your system. It covers applications such as video editing software, advanced image software, tax programs, accounting software, designing tools and 3D animation tools. So no matter what you keep and store in Google drive, by using web you can easily access and manage files that in turn also means that you are bounded to use of applications that only work in your browsers.
Just to get started, first of all install the recent version of drive app for PC or Mac version and sync your data. Then visit the new Google drive in your chrome web browser. Finally right click the file and select open with to see the complete list of compatible applications on your system that can open it. Just for an example, you can select to open a PDF file with Adobe Reader or just as a .PSD file with Photoshop, and make your edits and save back the relevant changes to drive that will sync with all your devices and other collaborators. If you have still any doubts or concerns, you are free to look at the help center. Or there is one more choice for the same. Web Outsourcing Team is one of the leading web service providers that deal in Google apps deployment like web outs and other latest updates and solutions. You can anytime get in touch with them at mail@weboutsourcingteam.com. The company’s experts would love to discuss your requirements and deliver the best that could be possible at that time. Or you are free to visit their website at www.weboutsourcingteam.com.
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